Somehow I needed boiled mushrooms, and after them, of course, were flavorful broth. I have not poured it, let the cause. Recipe for beginner cooks.
2 l
6 piece
1 piece
1 piece
50 g
2 tooth
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Potatoes peel and cut into cubes, put in broth and cook until soft.
While cooking the potatoes, carrots grind (how you want it, I rubbed on a grater), onion cut into cubes and sauté in butter.
When potatoes are almost ready, add the broth, carrots and onions, cook until potatoes are done.
As for the greens and garlic. The fact that I live in a country where the greens did not put that in compote and jam, so my taste appropriate. If you do not find it necessary to use these ingredients (they are not the most important thing in this soup), you can do without them, or to only use part of it (the ones that you like best). Now, grind the herbs and garlic.
Put in the finished soup, cover, count to five and switch off. Another minute to let it stay like that (covered).
Well, the last stage. RUB the soup in a blender or in a blender. One kind of unit.
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