
Liver salad with egg pancakes
Very tasty and hearty salad. To prepare this salad is very quick and easy. Recommend it to everybody))) From personal experience I can say that in our family during the holidays, this salad ends up in the first place. He especially like our men.


  • Chicken liver

    500 g

  • Chicken egg

    4 piece

  • Onion

    3 piece

  • Soy sauce

    2 Tbsp

  • Mayonnaise

    1 to taste

  • Salt

    1 to taste

  • Black pepper

    1 to taste

  • Greens


All the ingredients necessary for the salad.
Liver wash and recline in a colander. If the liver, e.g., beef or pork, I recommend after washing to put in the liver a couple of tablespoons of baking soda and let stand for 10-15 minutes. After wash and further for the recipe. Since the liver becomes much softer. And cut the liver into strips.
Cut onion as you like (cubes, cups...)
Eggs, beat with a small amount of salt.
Begin to fry... eggs baked pancakes. I got them 4 eggs 5 pancakes.
Fry the onion in a small kolichestva vegetable oil until Golden brown. Next, add the soy sauce and fry for another couple of minutes and turn off heat. When the onion has cooled a bit, put it in the salad bowl.
Liver fry in the same pan, as she is very quickly prepared it is better not to be distracted from this process needs constant stirring. To taste while cooking, add a little black pepper. After the liver is ready, turn off the heat and wait until it podostynet and also otpravlen her bowl.
Egg pancakes collapsible tube and cut into strips. Also put in a salad bowl.
Dressed the salad with mayonnaise and a little potseluem.
To decorate the salad, you can sprinkle with herbs.
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