
Steam chicken sausage
Delicious, aromatna and useful sausage. Prepare for your diet. Enjoy))) long live delicious diet!! Come on, have a treat!


  • Minced chicken

    500 g

  • Semolina

    2 Tbsp

  • Chicken egg

    1 piece

  • Carrots

    100 g

  • Green peas

    80 g

  • Broccoli

    60 g

  • Garlic

    2 tooth

  • Salt

  • Black pepper


The stuffing to put in a deep bowl. I took a ready, out of the whole chicken but without the skin. You can prepare yourself from breast or whole chicken, preferably without the skin, if the skin, then the sausage will turn out juicier, but less is dietary)))
Add the egg and 2 tbsp (without top) of semolina.
Mix and set aside to swell semolina.
To prepare the vegetables. Carrots to boil, cool and cut into cubes.
Put the minced meat and squeeze 2 cloves of garlic.
Frozen peas to warm up with a little water about 3 minutes.
Also do that with broccoli, heat for about 5 minutes and chop. Together with gorochki add to the mince. Mix. Season with salt and pepper.
Then proceed to the shaping of the sausage. On the table spread plastic wrap. I took three pieces of tape, laid overlapping to form a thick sausage. Spread the stuffing and wet hands formed the favorite))) size.
Using the film formed kolacny loaf. Fasten the ends of the film with one hand (I'm done)
Powercivil and lightly stamped, went to the air and formed a beautiful sausage. Top presses and also fix the film.
Here is a loaf we've got. Cook for a couple 25-30 minutes. My sausage had 25 minutes. Cool under slight pressure. I covered the hard, smooth cover. I got the sausage stood there all night. Prepared in the evening and for her, no one had)) So long cool down is not necessary.
After cooling, releasing the sausage from the film.
Here razrezik.
The sausage is cut very well. That's how thin a slice I cut for myself for Breakfast))
You can eat sandwiches
Or as I like to lunch with polenta and salad. Help yourself, dear!
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