Decorate the holiday table is such an unusual dish and you will not regret, as it will not remain indifferent! Or even a weekday to please family and myself, something original. Where did the idea... somehow by the Discovery, in the culinary category, showed the chef, a foreigner who has worked for many years in Russia and he was preparing "sushi" made from buckwheat! Oh, how I wondered!!! I was surprised, but also tried - delicious! Here only the original filling not remember, we had options to invent... Very original look on the table, they all want to try such an unusual combination.
150 g
2 piece
100 g
0.5 piece
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Buckwheat boil in plenty of salted water. To cook you need to buckwheat seethe. Transfer to a cheesecloth and squeeze well.
Feta mash well, or you can take cream cheese, add some fragrant herbs. Although the filling can be absolutely any!
The nori sheet on a bamboo Mat (can be wrapped in foil, for convenience), from the top, evenly spread the buckwheat, not very thick. Hands can be wet in water to keep it from sticking.
And thin strips of bell pepper. Or meat, fish, cucumber, avocado, etc. into thin slices.
Edge of nori to moisten with water and gently wrap.
Cut into 6 equal pieces, but can be more, but the chef, from the transfer, said that 1 sheet of nori, 6 pieces is the perfect size ready to roll.
Again, the filling can be absolutely any, nori brings out the flavor of the roll, and buckwheat can fill even the rice vinegar will also be very tasty.
I just can't decide, it's a snack or a mess... Bon appetit!
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