Post this recipe, because many times I will refer to the chocolate paste in other recipes. I believe that chocolate fondant is the most successful of all of the mastic that you can prepare at home. Pictured is one of my first cakes and Solomatina in. At that time I was acquainted with mastic, tried to find "her". In the end, I was ready to buy, but if I sometimes need to wrap a home-made cake, then I cook the paste for this recipe.
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Why sometimes, for the house and this is the mastic?! Everything is simple, and sometimes it's because we already ate too much paste; just for myself -- because any home-mastic is not without surprises. How much we are not prepared, at one point, may come across "special" marshmallows or powder "and that Yes is not to" grind, or overheated is one of the products... And all the mastic is not as stretches or simply spreading the arms, or too porous (on the cake it looks horrible). The General background of Solomatina more stable due to the chocolate. So the powdered sugar we have sift and pour into the pot with a wide bottom. On the bottom of the tank with marshmallows pour 2 tsp of water (will not stick after melting to the pan), for chocolate add 1 tsp water and 1 tsp butter. Heating method - water bath or microwave - your choice.
Chocolate it is important not to overheat, otherwise it will curdle. As soon as the chocolate flowed, remove, stir, rubs a lot on the dishes. There are pieces? again a bit warmed up, again rubs, etc., I first melt the chocolate in the micro, then put marshmallow, and she continued to RUB the chocolate to not freeze. So, marshmallows grew in size, became soft, it turns into powdered sugar. Followed by chocolate. Knead. I used kneaded paste manually, now I can do it with a mixer (beaters - spiral). Less nerves and waste.
Knead the mass until smooth. If you raise spiral, the mastic will hang by a thread. Lubricates the surface of the table (the silicone pad is great to facilitate the task, it also put some butter) and throw out, the're scraping the paste with a spoon, grease your hands with oil and kneaded fondant, stretch. Traditionally knead as the dough will not work immediately, the infection will stick to the hands. By the way, I RUB the paste through a Mat (Mat). And hands are particularly dirty, however. It would not seem that the mass is watery and need to roll a portion of the powder, do NOT do this. For those who knead by hand, it makes sense not to dirty the bowl and lubricate the working surface of the oil, slide to pour the powder, then the rest. And first with a spatula/spoon, then with hands in butter to knead the fondant.
Domocile Polish (or she us), and pushes this lipoate a ball-pancake in a plastic bag, tightly wrapped (no air) and refrigerate for 8 hours. I have everything in the "until morning". Morning mastic is hard to learn -- a tight lump, difficult to kneading. Let him lie down (in the package!) a little at room temperature, and then, having greased hands with oil, mash, roll out. This portion of the mastic will be enough for a cake with a diameter of 20-21 cm, height 5-6 cm Solomatina can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks. I no longer kept. After all, in the composition of the oil, and it tends to get old.
The chocolate fondant it is important not to overheat and roll out a very thin layer. I rolled on the Mat, powdered starch, is transferred to the cake, remove the Mat and lightly starched hands spread over the surface. The idea is that you can do it, smearing the hands with oil. From personal experience I can say, if patterned coating of the cake (print with special Mat), preferably the mastic to powder in starch (it dries faster than the paste), if a smooth coating is oil. On a smooth coating of starch leaves a modest but footprints. The patterns they are invisible. Some wipe the paste from starch with vodka, chocolate doesn't always work. And now I want to sing a little ode of praise to the silicone mats.
First, marking diameters on the Mat, this thing. Measure the height and diameter of our cake, plyusuem -- diameter and 2 height, diameter and get a piece of mastic, we are going to roll out. Find him on the rug, give an allowance of 1 cm and roll out. The question of enough or not enough of us rolled mastic to cover the cake disappears by itself. Second plus, the Mat will help us to comfortably move the fondant on the cake. Third, while the fondant on the Mat, we can adjust the location of the mastic in relation to the cake, checking reach the edge of the mastic the bottom of the cake. If not, move the pad with the paste.
Another digression. If we want the mastic is exactly lying on the cake thoroughly before alignment by coating the surface of the cake. As did I, you can see in my recipe http://www.povarenok .ru/recipes/show/848 88/ (spaces in the link to remove).
As soon as cake, processed and Packed in paste, send it in the fridge. Solomatina hardens, weather-beaten, and finally take form. When chocolate paste is set, it will not harden (it will knock) and does not become hard, due to included oil. Density of hardened chocolatini when you bite will remind, perhaps, fresh marzipan or soft candy. By the way, Solomatina normally holds the imprints of my cakes in the photo example. It is necessary to roll it on a smooth Mat on top to put a rug with a pattern, to shove. Then flip the mats, remove the smooth Mat and with the aid of a patterned rug to move the fondant on the cake. The chocolate surface of the mastic is a little fat, which makes it difficult to painting the surface with liquid paints. But when the fondant on the cake hardens, it is quite possible to "powder" cake dry paint, or rather, khandurina Shine. As did I (three-tiered cake at the bottom of the recipe). I almost forgot, mastic of white chocolate perfectly colored food dyes. One thing you need to consider, by itself, the paste is yellowish and mixed with a dye to give color. It was the case, I wanted blue chocolate fondant, and got turquoise! But with painting in red, yellow, green side effects did not have! And yet, on his skin he was sure to dye a paste better than gel ink.
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