
Ice cream with marmalade and yoghurt
Delicious ice cream, also very useful. If your kids are not enthusiastic about dairy products, such filing they certainly enjoy it!


  • Marmalade

    115 g

  • Sour cream

    150 g

  • Yogurt

    250 ml

  • Cognac

    1 Tbsp


To make this ice cream it is preferable to use thick yogurt. In order for us to obtain 250 ml thick yogurt, take about 500 ml of ordinary and throw it in gauze. I have homemade yogurt and whey glass somewhere for 3 hours. With the store, I think more time is needed, it is better to leave for the night.
Combine all ingredients: jujube, sour cream, yogurt, and whiskey (or brandy), if using. Whisk with a wooden spoon to mix everything thoroughly. Happy owners of the ice cream makers can continue to use your unit for making ice cream.
If You don't have this miracle of technology, then put the prepared mass in a stainless steel container (can be in any other, just in this will harden faster).
Place in freezer for 1.5 - 2 hours until frozen at the edges. Remove and mix thoroughly. Repeat this process 2-3 more times. Thus, You will prevent the formation of crystals, and the result is soft, smooth ice cream.
Bon appetit!
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