Potatoes are very rich in potassium and carbohydrates and the zucchini contains a group of b-vitamins and calcium salts. Now is the season for these vegetables!!! And I think it's time for our stomachs to rest from fatty meat and "pumped" legs. The roll is steamed, which further enhances its good qualities. Offer the recipe for the wonderful rolls, and we tasty, and the body useful!
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Prepare to start the dough: mix water with flour, add salt. Knead a stiff dough. Give to lie down for half an hour. Scrape down the potatoes and squash from the skins and seeds. Finely cut into cubes (I used a slicer).
Roll out a thin part of the test.
Spread on it the filling, add salt and spices to taste. A little secret: to keep the stuffing turned out dry, add is not a large piece of butter. You can also grease with mayonnaise or sour cream to taste.
Twisted roll in all. The lubricated ring of Montevarchi oil, and spread roll. Cook for a few 40 minutes.
Ready!!! Roll you can eat, both hot and cold with various spices.
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