Those who rode as a child in a sanatorium, to the country with a kindergarten or to summer camp remember the team porridge of several cereals. Milk porridge from a mixture of grains - hearty and enough budget dish. The main thing to choose cereals. They should have about the same cooking time. As containers - glass slow cooker
0.333 cup
0.333 cup
0.333 cup
2.5 cup
2.5 cup
50 g
1 Tbsp
1 pinch
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Measure out the cereal. Rinse in cold water and place in a bowl multivarki.
Pour the milk and water, add sugar and salt and chopped into small pieces oil. Mix well.
Enable "Mess." Cook until the end of the regime.
Spread out portions. Serve hot. Bon appetit!
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