To prepare this soup is not difficult, and its spicy-salty taste will definitely appeal to fans of hot and spicy dishes.
2 piece
1 piece
2 cup
2 tsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Tomatoes pour over boiling water, remove peel and cut into cubes of medium size.
Broth (you can fish or at least water) to the boil, add the pepper and soy sauce - basically, the salt may not be necessary, the soy sauce gives the "saltiness". Add the tomatoes and again bring to a boil.
Egg stir until smooth in a separate bowl.
When the tomatoes boil, spoon, smash the soup and slowly pour in egg, stirring constantly.
Serve immediately, sprinkled with green onions (a must!), and greens on your taste. Very fast, simple and delicious, pleasant petite!
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