
Semifreddo with nuts, meringue and cherry sauce
Love this dessert, but I was always confused by the presence in its composition of raw eggs, and I recently found the option where the eggs are replaced by condensed milk, and of course, immediately rushed to cook it, especially in summer, it is relevant like nothing else. Amazing ice cream, soft and creamy, with a wealth of tastes and textures in preparation - could not be easier, even a child will cope. No exaggeration to say that none of those types of ice cream that now is offered to us in stores do not compare to the simple and incredibly delicious version of the famous Italian dessert.


  • Cream

    500 ml

  • Condensed milk

    120 ml

  • Meringue

    50 g

  • Cherry

    100 g

  • Sugar

    30 g

  • Lemon juice

    1 Tbsp

  • Orange zest

    0.5 piece

  • Lemon peel

    0.5 piece

  • Nuts

    150 g

  • The juice of a freshly squeezed

    80 ml


From the cherries, remove the seeds, cut away a thin layer of the zest from half a medium lemon and orange. The white part of the peel pique, it will taste bitter.
Half of the total number of cherries squeeze the juice. If no juicer, you can do the following: blend the cherries with a blender and press puree through a sieve. Squeeze one tablespoon of lemon juice.
Sugar, cherry and lemon juices, stirring occasionally, bring to dissolve the sugar and boiling ovarium until lightly thickened, cooled to room temperature.
We need the meringue and peanuts in caramel. You can buy, can be done independently. I was preparing myself, but step-by-step to remove was not because of the cooking options, both on the full website, but just in case, briefly write recipes: on the amount of ice cream we need the meringue from one protein, 50 g sugar and a pinch of vanilla. Whisk the protein into a light foam, then gradually add the sugar mixed with the vanilla, and beat until stiff peaks. Using a teaspoon or pastry syringe otkryvaem small cookies and bake for about one hour at a temperature of 120 degrees Celsius until cooked. Nuts even easier: my and dried in a pan 100 grams of any nuts. Melt in a pan 50 g of sugar, bring home, not stirring, until Golden brown, add nuts, stir so that the caramel covers them evenly and place on a silicone Mat with a spatula removing stuck nuts. Allow to cool to room temperature. Crumble the meringue is ready and coarsely chop the nuts.
Well chilled start whipping the cream on low speed, slowly increasing her, and beat for a few minutes, add cold milk and whisk to a strong increase in volume and thick foam, but don't overdo it - it can flake off oil.
Gently hand mix the cream with the chopped zest and crushed meringue.
Gently combine the ground nuts.
In the form of spread 2/3 of cream, cherries and cherry sauce. The sauce can be directly poured on the bottom of the form - he still somehow there.
Carefully distribute the remaining cream, cover the form with cling film and put in the freezer at least several hours. Stir the mass during curing is not necessary.
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