Not complicated and delicious snack that will decorate your Christmas table and will delight not only children but also adults!!!
3 Tbsp
50 g
7 piece
1 tooth
3 Tbsp
5 piece
3 slice
5 piece
3 piece
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
For this snack, it is better to take the rice round. I took the rice Italica TM Mistral. Cook the rice, following the recommendations on the package.
Take a suitable dish and put in it cooked rice. Prepare the ingredients for the salad. From this quantity of products we get 5 PCs tartlets with muzzles dog. Tartlets ~ D-5 see
RUB the sticks, cheese and garlic on a grater. Sent to rice. Add the mayonnaise.
With wet hands form the balls, the diameter suitable for the tartlets. Put a bulb in it and a little pribludniy. Cut ham languages for dogs. Next, shape the meatballs smaller diameter and put it on the languages. Again pribludniy.
Ham cut the ears to dogs that are appropriate in size. From the olives make the eyes and nose. One muzzle-1 olive. Insert into olives nuts any is pupils. Dogs ready.
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