Trouble-free cake that I have many times rescued. And in the world, and in the feast. My men cheese cakes is highly respected, and this recipe is among the favorites)
150 g
130 g
4 piece
250 g
1 tsp
3 tooth
100 g
1 coup
5 piece
1 piece
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Butter room temperature, cut and RUB with salt and 2 eggs.
Add the baking powder and flour. Elastic dough is distributed on a greased form, make a small bumpers
Prepare the filling: two kinds of cheese grind, add eggs, grated garlic, chopped garlic, salt. Put the filling on the dough
Add diced peppers and put the pie in the oven
In my oven at 180*With the cake was ready in 35 minutes
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