Soup "Pavese" (Zuppa Pavese) Soup, which seemed at first glance a frivolous food (not really eat it!), in fact it turned out (for me) very hearty and delicious lunch. A very simple and fast.
1 piece
3 piece
2 cup
1 Tbsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Prepare one serving. Slices of bread with two sides grease with butter and fry to a delicious crisp.
In refractory form spread our toast, pour the broth. Carefully break on top of the egg so that the yolk remained intact. And put the form in preheated oven. Keep there until protein will not harden.
Hot soup, sprinkle with grated hard cheese and chopped green onions.
Ate a hearty soup. The egg is a poached egg with a melting yolk. Yummy)))
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