
On your holiday table prepared snack "Napoleoni to" - we loved it. Took the recipe from "Cook&a mp;quot;, according to the author the whole thing in one ingredient: cheese cheese... well... after tasting the cake, saying that it is - the presence of cream cheese in the cake only improves the taste (though without the cake and not tried, yet I think that without it the cake is not the same).


  • Puff pastry

  • Carrots

    2 piece

  • Chicken egg

    3 piece

  • Garlic

    1 tooth

  • Canned fish

    1 can

  • Cheese curd

    140 g

  • Mayonnaise


Canned mash with a fork - this is where I made a mistake, did not realize that salmon fish is dry and leaked all the fluid to your cat safely all quickly drank :) it is Better to mash the fish and add a little liquid from the jar that was not dry, but not all. Cook hard-boiled eggs, cool, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Carrots to boil, clear, RUB on a large grater and mix with chopped cloves of garlic and a small amount of mayonnaise. Collect the cake. Put on the dish first Korzh, lubricated with a thin layer of mayonnaise and spread half of the fish, evenly distributing over the surface of the cake
Cover with the second cake layer on the cake distribute the carrot-garlic mixture (mayonnaise cake is not lubricated, it is in the stuffing)
Cover with the third layer - mayonnaise and cover with grated eggs
Cover with fourth layer - mayonnaise and distribute the remaining fish
The last fifth Korzh grease cream cheese, also not forgetting to grease the sides of cake cheese
And execute cake obsypki. Put it in the fridge under the press for a couple of hours (I stood the night)
The next day, got a cake, and decorated with greens (green onions) - you can not decorate or embellish to your taste
And... razrezik
Cake ocenili liked it! When you try a piece feel one taste, in the process of eating, the taste and feel reveals the whole gamut of flavors. In my opinion cottage cheese really plays a major role in this cake.
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