
Almost, tab two options
Always loved Tabasco. Even for severity, and for the wonderful peppery flavor. To repeat the famous sauce at home is hard because not every house are barrels from Limousin white oak and not everyone has the ability to withstand them in the sauce for 3 years. However, maybe it's a beautiful legend and everything is done faster and easier. Here's an example.


  • Peppers red hot chilli

    2 piece

  • Salt

    1 tsp

  • Vinegar

    1 Tbsp


Ideally you need pepper Tabasco, or Cayenne. If they have you, then take the suggested amount of salt and vinegar 5 Tabasco peppers or 3 Cayenne. If you don't take what God has sent, we are not aiming for complete authenticity. I offer you two recipes with different technology. The result is then compare for yourself and choose the most favorite. By the way, the color of the peppers are not so important, the original Tabasco, also have different color and taste is not worse. But, the color was beautiful, do it from the peppers the same color and not from a set of variegated. I've sorted the pepper in color.
In the cooking process, we need to blend the peppers in a blender. If your blender does not grind finely or you are not very confident in it, then peppers it is better to clean from the seeds and large membranes. If not - just cut the stems with the calyx. The bones, incidentally, give the greatest flavor. Then I will talk about two methods separately, because the technology of making several different. When handling peppers gloves will not be superfluous.
1 way. Count the desired number of peppers. Slice thinly.
Cut and immediately placed in a jar with a lid, sprinkling the right amount of salt. Barrels from Limousin white oak is appropriate at this stage. I am not to lose your number, did I cut 2 peppers in a jar - spoon of salt. Tamp the peppers in the jar. Pour unboiled water, number may be different, your task is to peppers was just covered. I added very little, adaptively active and had a lot of juice. Tighten the lid and remove the peppers to a month in a dark place. Not refrigerated and at room temperature. Small tip: attach to a jar of a paper reminder, which will be written the number of peppers used and the date of the workpiece. This stock can be stored for more than time allowed, be aware of barrels) At expiration adding the right amount of vinegar and Porirua blender. And the sauce is ready to eat. You can strain for effect, but I won't. I like the density with the taste of Tabasco.
2 way. Take the pan. Counted the right amount of peppers, cut into 3-4 pieces each, add the right amount of salt and vinegar. Porirua blender. Put on the fire. Bring to a boil and boil for 1-2 minutes. Pour into sterile jars and screw sterile caps. Leave for 3 weeks at room temperature. After that, the sauce is very like the flavor of original Tabasco.
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