
Often fly to Israel. Friends in the Promised Land indulge us with local cuisine, and also dishes throughout the day. Here is one such


  • Cactus

    2 piece

  • Beef

    300 g

  • Soy sauce

    30 ml

  • Sumy

    1.5 tsp

  • Oregano

    1 tsp

  • Paprika sweet

  • Garlic

  • Vinegar


In September last year, Israel tried meat cooked on the grill, the ingredients for the marinade of the meat was the fruit of a cactus, meat and cactus seemed incompatible. However, after trying, was pleasantly surprised. In General, the fruit of a cactus called... Sabra, Zabar, sabres, prickly pear,... Cactus fruit baked in the oven, cook the marmalade and various nectars of fruit, make salads, cakes, liquors and cocktails, stew them with meat, put in desserts. It turns out that the fruit of prickly pear is used in both sweet and savoury dishes. Only we didn't know) For the number of ingredients that provided me - need 2 fruit of the cactus, we will prepare a marinade for meat. To clear the prickly pear fruit from the rind-you need to cut the tops of the fruit
To make an incision along the fruit
And remove the skin. It must be remembered that the fruit is covered with small spikes that dig into the skin. They are difficult to see and pull out, therefore cleaning fruit should be approached with special attention.
Peeled fruit cut into pieces and RUB through a sieve to separate the bones. With two fruit turns almost a full gravy boat, as I have in the photo
Now the cactus will add seasonings. Seasonings I have an Israeli, but they can also be bought in Russian shops. Add sumac, about 1.5 tsp.
Now add 1 tsp seasoning - I have one, but several constituent parts is oregano, dried paprika, dried garlic.
I forgot about the meat. Meat pre-cut into medallions, wash and gently Pat dry. In Israel friends, of course, cooked beef (remember the rules of kashrut!), in Russia, however, is cooked in this marinade and pork, and beef. Pork in Israel is sweet, in my opinion, the taste because how animals are fed fruits. In Russia pigs oranges are not fed, so the taste of the meat familiar. Cooks from Israel will probably agree with this, maybe not, I don't know, this is my personal opinion.
Back to the marinade. Add soy sauce "Kikkoman" 30 ml vinegar - quite a bit, it took me a couple of drops. Adjust soy sauce and vinegar according to your taste. The marinade should be slightly salty, sour and spicy. And marinate the meat (at least 4 hours).
Grilling some meat on the grill, my microwave, roasted in the grill + convection cooking (without using microwaves), had 12 minutes. Consider the time yourself, depending on where and how to prepare the meat. A portion of the marinade left, very delicious pieces of meat ready to throw the marinade as a sauce is obtained. Bon appetit!
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