
Liqueur of red currant
Red currant pleased us this year with their harvest. And now, rolled up, stewed fruits, cooked jam, jams, frozen berries, and the bushes just bend under the bright red translucent, shining in the sun sweet and sour berries... Offer you the recipe for homemade liquor, which is nothing at all - a week.


  • Red currants

    1 kg

  • Leaf currant

    7 piece

  • Vodka

    0.75 l

  • Sugar

    0.8 kg

  • Water

    0.5 l


I make this liqueur is always a lot of servings, because messing with them almost any. Enumerated berry and currant leaves black, plus vodka, that's all we need in the first week.
As she red currant has bright, individual taste, we enrich the taste of the liqueur flavor black Smorodinka, laying the leaves in the jar. In one of the cans I laid 5 leaves of cherry. The aroma is simply magical!
Berries put them into a glass bottle, add crushed black currant leaves and pour the vodka. The bottle is put in the sun or in a warm place for a week. Double portion includes the entire 3-liter jar, with the exception of 1 bottle of vodka (0,5 l). It can add the syrup in a week.
To prepare sugar syrup of water and sugar. Syrup do not boil, just dissolve in warm water sugar.
Infusion of black currant filter and add the syrup. The syrup can be added warm.
At this point, if You had a week ago did not include the bottle of vodka, add it to the syrup. Mix thoroughly, and again filtered.
Liqueur is ready to bottle, resealed and kept in a cool place. Output 1 serving, approximately, 1.7-liter I Have two servings - it turned out almost 3.5 L.
Here's a bright beautiful juicy sweetness)))
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