
Chicken legs with potatoes in multivarka
This is my first posted recipe, sorry for the photo quality, but believe me it will not affect the taste of food, it is just amazing, and the aroma in the apartment during cooking - just mmmmmm ))) Thank you for recipe Olga Zinchenko


  • Chicken's leg

    6 piece

  • Potatoes

    6 piece

  • Garlic

    6 tooth

  • Mayonnaise

    150 g

  • Ketchup

    150 g

  • Dutch cheese

    150 g

  • Dill


All we need
Peeled my potatoes. Cut the potatoes in large pieces. My chicken drumstick. In the pot of the slow cooker stacking alternately chicken leg quarters and potatoes.
Clean and wash the garlic. My dill. To prepare the sauce in a blender grind the garlic, mayonnaise, ketchup, dill and cheese.
Fill the chicken legs with potatoes prepared with sauce and close the lid. Included multivarku. First, choose the mode "Pilaf" for 40 minutes, after the time of this mode, select the mode "Baking" and cook another forty minutes. This must be done in order to evaporate all the liquid (much as chicken feet frozen), fried potatoes and thickens the sauce.
The aroma is just amazing))) and taste mmmmmmmmmmm
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