
Watermelon jelly
In winter, open the jar of watermelon flavored Jell-o with lemon-raspberry note, and just remember the end of the summer and colorful autumn... smear on the bar, Yes with hot tea... Come on, have a treat!


  • Watermelon

    800 g

  • Sugar

    900 g

  • Lemon

    1 piece

  • Gelatin

    15 g

  • Jelly

    2 pack


Jelly sachets can take any - strawberry, currant, orange, your choice. I took crimson. Weight: 50g upakovochki.
Watermelon peel and seeds, flesh cut. Weight watermelon pulp I wrote already purified. With lemon to cut the skin and choose the seeds. Cut. All grind in a meat grinder, in a blender or chopper.
The chopped flesh of the watermelon and lemon lay in a enamel dish, put on fire, add sugar and cook for 10-15 minutes, after boiling over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Cool.
In chilled mass add gelatin and dry jello, mix well, let stand for 30 minutes and cook for another 10 minutes. Spread out in hot sterilized banks, roll, flip. Get 2 bottles of 0,5 l. One jar of my girls asked not to roll up and put in the refrigerator to solidify. When the jelly has stiffened, my sweet tooth ate almost half a jar of Fudge.
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