
Gentle roll with cranberry cream and marshmallows
Great loaf, cooked very quickly, cake for the loaf always turns out and never breaks down when you minimize. It is very tender with a balanced taste, where the sweetness of the marshmallows perfectly balanced cranberry sauce d arbo. Indulge yourself with this delicate roll!


  • Chicken egg

    4 piece

  • Sugar

    200 g

  • Flour

    70 g

  • Potato starch

    30 g

  • Leavening agent

    0.5 tsp

  • Water

    160 ml

  • Cognac

    3 Tbsp

  • Berry sauce

    100 g

  • Marshmallows

    100 g

  • Butter

    30 g

  • Cream

    200 g

  • Raspberry

  • Red currants

  • Mint


Batter: beat with a mixer eggs with sugar. In a separate bowl mix 100 g flour, starch and baking powder dough. Add to egg mixture and whisk.
The tray (35*40) to lay a paper for baking. Pour the batter into the pan, flatten. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 deg. With 15 minutes, do not overdo. The finished cake along with the paper rolled into a roll. Let rest for 15 minutes, remove from paper. And again together with paper rolled into a roll.
Prepare the syrup for impregnation: I used a ready-made syrup Alkermes, if not, then in a pan pour 100 g of sugar, add 100 ml of water, put on fire, heat to dissolve the sugar, add the brandy, allow to cool to room temperature. The biscuit to expand, to impregnate with a syrup.
Cream: in a pan put the marshmallows, butter and 3 tbsp of hot water. Put on a small fire, melt, stirring constantly.
Add the cranberry syrup by d'arbo, stir, remove from heat, cool.
Cold cream vzbit. Mix with the cream.
Soaked sponge cake apply the cream, leave a little for decoration, wrap in foil, put into the refrigerator for 3 hours. The remaining cream is also put in the refrigerator.
Get on top put the remaining cream, garnish with red currants, raspberries and mint. Bon appetit!
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