It's not just soup - it's a quintessential mushroom flavor. Creamy velvet with a spicy touch of soy sauce and nutmeg.
400 g
1 piece
3 Tbsp
1 l
250 ml
2 Tbsp
3 Tbsp
0.5 tsp
0.5 tsp
2 tsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
In a deep skillet pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Fry until lightly Golden brown the finely chopped onion. Stir the onions constantly, so it is not fried and not dark.
Add chopped holovachi. And fry 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
But so holovachi look "alive". Left - overripe and absolutely no sedobnye. And that's right - young, tender, flavorful fungus - what you need for the soup! Holovachi absolutely edible mushrooms. In addition to the Raincoat smelly, but it is not to be confused brown color and a disgusting smell... only it will not let you put it in the basket...
Pour into a saucepan the water. Allow to boil and pour, stirring constantly, 3 table spoons of "rice monkey". Proverjaem 15-20 minutes on low heat, stirring occasionally. "Rice semolina" can be purchased in dietary stores. If you buy will fail, then you can replace the ground to the state of the monkey usual round figure.
While cooking the soup, pour into the pan 1 tbsp oil and put the finely chopped mushrooms. My mushrooms were pre-cooked and frozen. Fry for 7-10 minutes. If you use fresh mushrooms - cook for 20-25 minutes. Add the soy sauce and 1 tsp sugar. Fry until then, until the sauce evaporated and mushrooms are lightly caramelized.
I was mostly blewits. Dense, with a slight bitterness... For which I am particularly fond of this mushroom for the stunning odor of fresh flour!
Add to soup, cream, salt, 1 tsp sugar, pepper, nutmeg. Allow to boil and Porirua immersion blender. The soup is ready! You can eat, but we should give him 10-15 minutes to rest...
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