
/ Sugar
/ Sugar - a light, airy dessert of Italian origin. So says the dictionary, I would say the / sugar to beverages, and more specifically, to the cocktails. I invite you to taste!


  • Sweet white wine

    100 ml

  • Powdered sugar

    100 g

  • Yolk egg

    4 piece


In a water bath, mix the yolks and sugar.
When the mass becomes a uniform, start with a whisk to whisk our next cocktail. whisk on a water bath until obtaining a creamy foam pale lemon color.
Continuing to whisk, pour a little wine. a few more seconds of whisking and you're done. immediately poured into glasses and served to the table. tip: pay attention to the blame - if it's sour, and sour / sugar will. use the wines that you really like and the taste was pleasant. NICE ZEBULONITE! ;-)
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