
Vanilla cherry
Great recipe for winter harvesting fragrant cherries for pies, cheesecakes and desserts. Such icing and the kids eat with great pleasure, and natural cherry juice drunk in minutes.


  • Cherry

    3.5 kg

  • Sugar

    800 g

  • Vanilla sugar

    3 pack

  • Cinnamon

    0.5 tsp


Cherry free from seeds.
Pour the vanilla. Optionally, you can add cinnamon, who loves a light cinnamon flavor. Mix well.
Liter jars sterilize, cool. Put the cherries in layers, sprinkling sugar - 200 g per liter jar.
Each layer a little crush with a spoon until the formation of cherry juice.
From this number, cherry turns 4 liter cans.
Banks cover with a lid and put in a casserole, covered with a towel. Cover with cold water, before reaching the edge of 1.5 - 2 cm, I had jars with screw-on lids, you can take cans with lids under the key.
If cherries are deflating, then in each jar add a pinch of citric acid. Bring a pot of banks to a boil, reduce the heat and sterilize 30 - 35 minutes (the time given for liter jars). Banks roll, flip and cover with a warm blanket to cool down.
This kind of cherry sometimes, I do without sugar and aromatic additives, very economical, crisis option, when not enough sugar. Just before cooking the cakes I strain the cherries from the juice and add sugar to taste. Harvest health fragrant cherry! Bon appetit!
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