Something kurnik rarely cook, at least I nor any of my friends and acquaintances have not eaten it. But in vain.. it is easy to prepare. Of course, the time it takes a lot, but the result is worth it. Kórnik - layered cake, which attracts the attention of its kind, and it is very satisfying. If you have not tried yet, make sure to prepare.
1 cup
The dough is flaky unleavened
500 g
2 kg
500 g
5 piece
3 piece
80 g
11 piece
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
First boil the chicken in salted water until tender, pepper.
While the chicken is cooking, make the pancakes. Pancakes, you can use any milk, yogurt.
Take out of the pan ready chicken cools, remove the cooked chicken meat, cut it into slices, gently pour the broth in which it cooked.
Take out of the pan ready chicken cools, remove the cooked chicken meat, cut it into slices, gently pour the broth in which it cooked. Rice wash, cook until tender in chicken broth, add a piece of butter, pour a few tablespoons of chicken broth. Boil eggs, cut, add a couple tablespoons of chicken broth. Mushrooms wash, cut, fry, add chicken broth. Onions finely chop, fry in butter.
The stuffing is ready. You can start assembling the pie.
Table sprinkle lightly with flour and roll out puff pastry. As the dough consisted of two pieces, I joined him, putting one upon the other about a centimeter. Roll out a square of about 40 by 40 cm of puff pastry, put in shape, low in the pan.
At the bottom lay a pancake on a pancake half of the chicken.
Cover with a pancake and put half of the mushrooms,
Another pancake and spread half of the onions,
Another pancake and spread half of the rice,
Alternate pancakes and stuffing, while the stuffing will not come to an end.
Gather the dough into a bundle, folds to resemble a duffel bag, carefully knotted cotton rope to "duffel bag does not come loose", leaving a hole on top to release steam.
Lubricated our work with the beaten egg and place into a preheated oven to 200 gr. 25-35 minutes - until Golden brown. Get rosy and beautiful kórnik and put up on the table. Don't forget to remove the rope.
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