Soup like soup but not quite... Feature is that all the fried ingredients in addition to greens... Look, I think you will like especially that the taste is absolutely different from the usual soup :)
1 piece
2 piece
1 piece
1 piece
1 coup
1 tooth
1 piece
1 piece
1 tsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Boil a small chicken, separate the meat from the bones and finely chop.
Cut potatoes, carrots, peppers, onions.
And all of this with deep fried meat thoroughly (up to, as they say, Golden brown and at the end of cooking I poured a little of the cilantro - frying takes a nice green color :))) in vegetable oil with lemon juice and all this mass of mix with the broth from boiled chicken.
Salt and pepper and after 2 minutes turn off, sprinkle with herbs and serve (well, I have no garlic can't put together with greens a clove). BON APPETIT!
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