
Hottok resembles pancakes, prepared with a filling of brown sugar, nuts and cinnamon. Is a popular and beloved Koreans have a kind of street food. Walking through the streets of Korea, it is difficult to resist the alluring spicy flavor of this pie. Hottok especially popular in the cold season, when you can not only eat, but also warm sweet and warm syrup.. mmm))


  • Flour

    1 cup

  • Yeast

    1.5 tsp

  • Salt

    0.5 tsp

  • Sugar

    1.5 tsp

  • Water

    0.5 cup

  • Vegetable oil

    1 Tbsp

  • Sugar

    2 Tbsp

  • Brown sugar

    2 Tbsp

  • Peanuts

  • Cinnamon

    1 tsp


First of all, prepare the dough for hottok :) To do this in warm water dissolve sugar and yeast and allow to stand for 5 minutes. And this time sieve the flour and salt. ( This time I cooked from wheat flour, but usually mix wheat and rice flour in equal quantities). Combine liquid and dry ingredients and add the vegetable oil. Knead the dough and send it in a warm place for about an hour.
This time, prepare the filling :) grind the Nuts and mix them with brown, simple sugar and cinnamon. You can also add honey, jam or syrup.
An hour later the dough has risen, obtinem it with a spoon and leave for another 20 minutes.
Begin to form itself hottok. The dough will be sticky, so your hands are better lubricated. Osipyan part of the test, making him a flapjack, inside which is placed the filling.
On a heated pan, greased with oil, put a ball of stuffing about 10 seconds and turn it upside down and press with a spatula. Fry a bit, turn again. You want to cook until hattock will not become a Golden color. Fry stands on medium heat, so that the sugar inside had dissolved and hottok not burnt.
Of this number ingredients I got 7 pancakes. Remember that the most delicious Hotton is hot hotok! Hottack can be a good alternative to the usual us some pancakes, the perfect snack and just to add some fun to the table :)
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