
Mocha sherbet and Mocha-Friz
Coffee ice cream-sherbet and a cocktail with it from David Lebovitz. Perhaps someone will say that it's not the season, but personally, I love ice cream any time of the year )))


  • Coffee natural

    560 ml

  • Sugar

    150 g

  • Cocoa powder

    50 g

  • Salt

  • Milk

    180 ml


To make mocha sherbet, whisk together the coffee, sugar, cocoa and salt in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and let simmer about 30 seconds, not reposed to beat.
Remove from heat and add milk.
Then prepare ice cream in ice cream maker, following the manufacturer's instructions. If you have no ice cream maker, place in freezer for 1.5 - 2 hours until frozen at the edges. Remove and mix thoroughly. Repeat this process 2-3 more times. Thus, you will prevent the formation of crystals and the result is soft, smooth ice cream. From this quantity of products obtained in about 1 liter of ice cream.
That's actually sherbet. At this stage you can stop.
And you can go ahead and prepare the cocktail "Mocha Freeze". To do this, combine all the ingredients in the bowl of a blender and blend until smooth. 1 serving of the cocktail: 2 balls (115 g) mocha sorbet, 1/2 stack. (125 ml) strong coffee (espresso) 1 1/2 tbsp of sugar and 3 ice cubes.
Garnish with whipped cream and cocoa.
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