
Pancakes made of zucchini and potatoes
Delicious pancakes, similar to hash Browns. Quite delicate, but sharp with a spicy note, which you will be able to regulate themselves. Nejropatii, flavored pancakes sure to please your family members, but if even with sour cream and a glass of cold milk, I assure you, you will receive a lot of compliments. Help yourself!!!


  • Zucchini

    1 piece

  • Potatoes

    1 piece

  • Chicken egg

    1 piece

  • Flour

    4 Tbsp

  • Salt

  • Khmeli-suneli

    0.4 tsp

  • Adjika

    0.5 tsp

  • Soy sauce

    1 Tbsp


Young zucchini wash and grate on a coarse grater with peel. Add soy sauce, a pinch of salt and Khmeli-suneli.
Boiled potatoes peel and grate on a coarse grater. Add the egg and seasoning. Mix well. Pour the flour and knead the dough.
Fry the pancakes on both sides in vegetable oil. Fire average. Put the dough a tablespoon dipped in cold water.
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