This soup I learned to cook ex-husband, actually, because he - BM) the Recipe I have set up for yourself and daughter, and she and soups, in principle, not love. But this soup - soup BM - em all with pleasure. Especially dedicated to the same opposers of soups as I eat this soup all!
1 piece
400 g
1 piece
1 piece
8 piece
200 g
1 tooth
1 Tbsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Preface. The main secret of this soup is that all!! cut into cubes or strips. And if beans or Brussels sprouts can not add the peppers and garlic this soup is not what you need. Slice the beef into strips and boil. I was the first time after boiling all the water is drained and pour a new, salt and cook at almost the full volume of water in a saucepan until almost cooked. The pan I have on the 2.5 L.
Cut the beets into strips (the thinner the better and cooks faster) and add it to the soup, cook for 15-20 minutes:
At the end of cooking the beets, chop carrots and peppers - diced and pan - fry and podsushiwatm 10 minutes. I first fried in olive oil, don't forget to add salt, then add some water and cover for 5-7 minutes.
There, on the pan - garlic, I RUB it on a grater, but you can squeeze a frog, and add 1-2 tbsp of tomato paste or ketchup, stir everything and cover with a lid - another 3-4 minutes.
At the same time, add to soup, Brussels sprouts or pre-boiled beans, and our pepper-carrot-Sanchez night mix doroshivtsi, proverjaem beans or Brussels sprouts in the soup. Ie add one thing, or cabbage, or beans!
Prepared fried pepper and carrots add to soup, stir and cook for 5-8 minutes. Turn off fire, cover with a tight lid and give a few minutes to infuse. Add sour cream and enjoy! BM soup is ready! Bon appetit!
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