Hadia ASHI is the Azerbaijani dish made from different grains. Free translation of this dish - "soup-gift". Azerbaijani customs this soup cooks the grandmother of the child who came first tooth=)) and give it to the neighbors so that the teeth cut through easily and without pain=)) Well, of course, this soup can be prepared and just. It is very hearty and healthy=) Well, if you make fries for a soup without oil, it will be a great diet dish
1 cup
1.5 cup
1 cup
1 cup
1 cup
3 piece
1 handful
0.5 piece
2 Tbsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Grits soak overnight. Soak all separately, cook separately. Lentils can be cooked together with crushed peas in the main pot, which we will add rest of the ingredients.
While the grits are cooked, do zazharku. Passeruem onion in the melted butter
When the onions are well browned, add to the pan the tomato paste, 1 tbsp flour, dried plum and half small Apple, diced. Stew all together for 3 minutes.
When all the grits are cooked, add them into the General pot. There add zazharku, salt and pepper and cook for 15 minutes.
The dish is ready. You can eat=)
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