Looking for in the store the spice nutmeg, bought it, read the recipe on the back, I thought it was unusual. Decided to porobovati, and the result pleased. A very hearty soup turned out.
300 g
150 g
6 Tbsp
1 piece
1 piece
2 Tbsp
1 slice
1 pinch
1 piece
1 tsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Are the ingredients: Mushrooms, dry cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes, Drain in a colander, chop. Cook meat until tender, add barley, sliced carrots, Bay leaf. Cook until soft grains.
Finely chopped onion fry in butter, add mushrooms and a bit put out. Crumble the bread and soak in the meat broth, add to soup. Put the mushrooms with onions. Soup add salt, pepper, dill and nutmeg.
Make a thick fragrant soup. Try it for yourself. ABOUT NUTMEG: a spice is a dried seed of an evergreen tree cultivated in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Caribbean Islands. Nutmeg has a spicy smell and sweetish-bitter taste. It is added to cakes, pastry, fruit desserts, creams and puddings. Nutmeg flavors fruit drinks, aperitifs, punches, mulled wine and cocoa. Added to sauces, soups, eggs and cottage cheese, and a dish of vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes. Used for seasoning meat dishes of lamb and veal, as well as pate, mince and goulash.
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