
Homemade lemonade
Doing this lemonade is not the first time, always a great success. Crazy about him, both adults and children. On the website about 1001 times presents the recipe lemonade ingredients lemon-sugar-water. My recipe also only 3 main ingredients, but there is a fundamental difference.


  • Sugar

    220 g

  • Lemon juice

    250 ml

  • Water, carbonated

  • Water

    250 ml


Place the sugar in a saucepan with 1 Cup (250 ml) of water. Stir over low heat until the sugar is dissolved.
Cool, add lemon juice. If desired, strain.
Just before serving add carbonated water. The recipe calls for 3 cups of sparkling water, but it seemed to me that the drink is too concentrated and sugary, so I added, added a soda and was pleased with the taste, when her number came to 2 l. Bon appetit!
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    Алмаз Шаяхметов


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      Ars Рамазанов

      что других слов не нашлось !!!

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