
Pockets of chicken breast with buckwheat and mushrooms in slow cooker
Even simple and seemingly banal products you can make a very interesting and tasty dish. And if you submit to him a creamy mushroom sauce, then you'll have almost a festive dinner. Assistant-multivarka, first, will save you from spattered plate, when frying the breast. Second, make chicken pockets incredibly soft and juicy, due to the delicate suppression.


  • Chicken breast

    1 piece

  • Buckwheat

    0.5 cup

  • Mushrooms

    300 g

  • Cream

    200 ml

  • Onion

    2 piece

  • Vegetable oil

    4 Tbsp

  • Salt

    2 tsp

  • Black pepper

    0.5 tsp


Prepare all the products. Boiled buckwheat (in slow cooker) or to take already ready.
Mushrooms cut into small pieces if they are very large. Onions clean and finely cut. In the bowl multivarki pour 2 tbsp of vegetable oil, include the mode Roasting for 10 minutes. Put the mushrooms and onions, fry, stirring with a spatula.
Shift the mushrooms and onions on a plate, set aside to cool. When the mushrooms and onions has cooled slightly, add them (4 tbsp) in buckwheat. Salt and percu (of spices), mix. It will be filling. The rest of the mushrooms and onions will go in the sauce.
Chicken breast with skin, separated from the bones two parts. I put them on the Board. On the reverse side he cut a small piece of filet it I also need.
Make pockets. Each piece along the breast make a long slit almost to the bottom (but do not cut completely!). Then make incisions inside the side around the perimeter, to expand the area for the filling. Each piece inside and outside RUB with salt and pepper.
Stuffed the pockets with a mixture of mushrooms and buckwheat is very tight. Chicken pockets should be rounded, to become dense. A small piece of fillet cover a hole in the pocket, pushing its edges inwards around the perimeter.
In the bowl multivarki pour in the remaining vegetable oil. Include the mode Frying, cooking time 20 minutes. Fry both pocket for 10 minutes on each side (until Golden brown).
Fry with the lid on the slow cooker.
The cream mixed with the remaining mushrooms and onions. Pour creamy mushroom sauce our chicken pockets. Include the program Stewing, cooking time 25 minutes. Close the lid and leave to prepare.
Chicken pockets are ready to shift on a plate, abundantly watered mushroom sauce and served to the table.
Well served with fresh vegetables. Bon appetit!
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