
Banana pancakes
Delicious banana pancakes. Very easy to prepare. On the website all with the addition of kefir, I have not))


  • Banana

    2 piece

  • Milk

    120 ml

  • Salt

  • Chicken egg

    1 piece

  • Flour

    200 g

  • Vegetable oil


The original products. Start!
In the bowl of a blender, beat the egg with a pinch of salt, add chopped bananas, too beat.
Pour in the milk and then fall asleep flour (here I have an emergency,PTS high speed blender dough and the flour has started I have to fly all over the kitchen, so no photo)) now heat the pan, if you like(like me), then brush the pan with oil. Well, bake our muffins!
Voi and my handsome, decorate with banana slices, pour jam (to your taste, than love) and serve!!! Bon appetit!!!!!!!!!
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