Since, as appeared in the sale of the puff pastry, I baked this cake constantly and was sure that this is purely my own invention - because of my laziness and love for baking. But it turned out that my sister Tatin was ahead by as much as a century, if not more, happened in the movie Shurik: And that the chapel, too? - No, it's still up to you in the 14th century :) Well... I still post my recipe because the sisters Tatin so did not cook in the 19th century, and maybe just someone will be interested in reading how I do it in 21 ? At least, I hope.
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I think every good mistress is always in the freezer puff pastry (just in case), frozen berries from the summer and just fruit in the fridge. And sugar and butter - the more :) So, for forty minutes before the guests arrive easily and effortlessly prepare this pie :) I took this time apples and frozen plum with chernoplodnoj. Selection of fruit toppings is up to you, there will absolutely fit all! Just the total weight of fruit should be about a pound.
Take the pan, which will bake our cake. Put on medium heat, pour three spoonfuls of sugar and two of butter. I love that olive to add, though burst! Tastes like creamy, so a winning option! Even olive who are not particularly fan of this pie do not distinguish between :) Here, perhaps, the most difficult is to make a delicious caramel. On low heat stir constantly, watching so it doesn't stick and doesn't stick, don't add any water!! Once the sugar has dissolved completely and acquire a caramel color like in the pictures, immediately set aside.
Then add the fruits that we have prepared. Again, can any. Apples, plums, bananas, strawberries, currants, pear... in short, it is easier to say that it is impossible. When the fruits will give the juice, mix flavors and you will feel that the filling is merged as if together, then set aside from heat.
Then roll out a layer of dough lightly and cover the pan, trying to tuck the dough under the filling. Prick with a fork, so it is not inflated by the bubble, although all the same will be raised, but it's not terrible. Will fall on any laws of physics. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180-190...
here is a miracle Yudo we have to remove :) allow to cool a little and turn over on a plate,
and then cut, lay on plates and decorate as desired. To the extent it's just that I'm amazed that so many nafotkal wrote :) This, my friends, very tasty, simple and fast!
I rarely eat sweets, but if we eat, I always think Arabic sweets... Arab countries... in particular, Egypt. And now eating a piece of pie and remembered their meeting the dawn on the wild coast of the red sea, on the outskirts of Sharm El-Sheikh. I immediately set up a romantic mood, I want to tell You, cook something tasty for their loved ones, let this dish is simple but from the heart, it's the best way to prove your love........ Your Katie-Fox
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