Original, unusual soup. In Hungary a soup made of chicken broth, served at weddings.
2 l
1 piece
2 piece
The Apium graveolens Dulce
1 piece
100 g
150 g
1 piece
2 piece
1 piece
2 tooth
1 piece
3 piece
1 piece
2 Tbsp
1 Tbsp
0.333 tsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
To prepare the vegetables for the soup. To wash and clean.
Carrots and celery cleaned and cut into strips. Potato cubes. The stalk of celery into thin slices, bell pepper slices. Cauliflower disassemble into small inflorescences. Onions and garlic are very finely chopped.
Chicken liver wash, remove lived, chop with a sharp knife on a cutting Board to meat.
Mix the liver with whipped with a fork egg, breadcrumbs, semolina, salt, marjoram, pepper. Optionally, you can add finely chopped dill and parsley. To give weight to rest for 15-20 min. Yes, it's important! Marjoram is required, replace with another spice its not worth it.
During this time, cook soup. Strain the broth.
In skillet, heat vegetable oil and fry the onion until transparent.
Add the carrots selderey and fry until soft.
In the boiling broth to omit the potatoes and bring to a boil.
Add and sauté all vegetables, add salt and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
Hepatic mass "rested", and semolina crackers swelled.
Using a teaspoon to gain liver weight and wet hands to form small, oblong dumplings. Lower in the lightly boiling soup.
When dumplings float, put the Bay leaf and allow to simmer on low heat for about 5 min.
Turn off the heat, add chopped (better to do it with a knife, and not through a press) garlic, cover soup with a lid and let stand 10 minutes.
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