
Marinated tomatoes
In high school I tried these tomatoes at a friend)) Since nothing tastier I have not tried, as the saying goes : it's not that... We at the speed of light eat these tomatoes, and pickle drink!


  • Tomato

    3 kg

  • Dill

    1 piece

  • Black pepper

    5 piece

  • Peppers red hot chilli

    1 slice

  • Carnation

    2 piece

  • Sugar

    3 Tbsp

  • Salt

    1.5 Tbsp

  • Vinegar essence

    1 Tbsp


On the bottom of the jar put pepper, cloves, hot pepper, stamps washed tomatoes, pierced with a toothpick "ass", on top of the umbrella dill.
Pour the boiling water, cover the lid of the jar and leave for 20-30 minutes to stand.
Meanwhile, make the brine per liter of water 3 table spoon of sugar and 1.5 tablespoons of salt, bring to a boil. The amount of water that will need in Your Bank difficult to guess, and I usually do not one, but 10, so boil a big pot of brine, indicated especially for 1 liter, to make it clearer how to calculate on a greater amount.
20-30 minutes have passed, pour out the water in the sink with our jars and pour the boiling brine, add vinegar in a glass jar 1st. spoon ( if Bank less than the UKS. essences less!) and close the lids. Wrap it up in a warm blanket. Open in winter and we eat with great pleasure))
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