
This salad literally knocked my husband off his feet, blew his "cover"... He loved it. Favorite appetizer with vodka. I, unfortunately, love can not share, because the bow in such quantity are not too keen...


  • Mushrooms

    3 l

  • Onion

    1 kg

  • Sauce

    0.5 l

  • Vegetable oil

    0.5 l

  • Salt

  • Black pepper

  • Allspice

    6 piece

  • Bay leaf

    5 piece


Here are the products we need. Prepare 8 half-liter jars and 8 are metal caps. Clean the mushrooms and coarsely chop. Boil in salted water with the addition of black pepper and Lavrushka within 20 minutes. Immediately cool the mushrooms under cold running water. Now measure out the mushrooms for 3-liter jar and then cut into smaller pieces.
Onion peel and cut into thin half-rings.
On the bottom of the basin to pour some water, because in the process of cooking the salad can stick to the bottom. About half a Cup. Put the mushrooms and onions, add tomato sauce, salt and ground black pepper to taste. Sauce you can pick up and eat, but then stronger pepper.
The salad should be quite sharp. Bring to a boil and cook for 40-45 minutes, stirring frequently so that the salad doesn't burn. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add a little allspice and 4-5 Bay leaves.
While cooking the salad, the jars very carefully washed, put on a baking sheet and then in a cold oven. To set the temperature about 120-150 ° C and to turn on the oven. Keep the jars in her 25-35 minutes, then the oven off. Cover to boil. It is necessary podgadat so that towards the end of cooking, salad jars have cooled slightly in the oven, but not quite. The salad is boiling pour into hot, dry jars, immediately roll and flip into cover to cool down.
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