
Classic American pancake
My favorite and trusted recipe! I searched for months, tried different ( this website including) but these lush, delicate was never. Then I found it, yay! Work are what I had in the US, I like the classic butter, and the kids love the sweet jam, chocolate or honey! Please, help yourself! Bon appetit.


  • Flour

    200 g

  • Salt

    0.5 tsp

  • Milk

    200 ml

  • Soda

    1.5 tsp

  • Citric acid

    0.25 tsp

  • Sugar

    2 Tbsp

  • Olive oil

    3 Tbsp

  • Chicken egg

    1 piece


In a large bowl mix all the dry ingredients, grab a whisk and stir 30 seconds their is a need for a correct and uniform distribution of all components.
Then add the egg, mix with a mixer, milk, stir again, add 3 tablespoons of olive oil and finally mix all of two minutes. You should have a fairly thick batter
Preheat the pan on medium heat without oil and with a spoon spread future pancakes. Readiness can be determined by the appearance of bubbles.
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