
Pancakes with green onion and egg
Write the recipe at the request of one of our chefs, who saw a photo of these pancakes on my album. Why is not found in the search of such a recipe, but I think they are still there. Well, let it be mine, maybe it will fit someone. I pripek today was green onion with egg, and in General, can be any - with meat or with Apple, sweet, which you can then sprinkle with powdered sugar. Well, etc.


  • Flour

    180 g

  • Milk

    200 ml

  • Chicken egg

    2 piece

  • Yolk egg

    2 piece

  • Yeast

    8 g

  • Green onions

    50 g

  • Butter

    1 Tbsp

  • Granulated sugar

    1 Tbsp

  • Salt

  • Vegetable oil


Prepare these products.
The milk is heated to 35-40*C, dissolve the yeast in it, put salt, sugar and 2 egg yolks. Do not put protein in the dough ever. No muffin from him and the batter will be more elastic. Find another use for it. I fried and mixed with boiled egg for the filling.
Gradually adding flour, knead that is the consistency of the dough. If you knead the batter, the pancakes are spread on a pan and be fine. But if you want lush, thick pancakes, then try to do so. Cover the Cup with clingfilm and put in the heat for about 1 hour.
During this time, slowly, we can make any filling -pripek. I picked up green onions, finely sliced.
A decoction two hard-boiled eggs, finely cut and added a Cup to the onions, salt to taste, and put 1 tbsp melted butter (but it is possible and without it))).
When the dough will increase in volume in 2-3 times, you can bake pancakes. Prepare immediately a glass of cold water, where you're going to dip the spoon after every pancakes, so soon it will be sliding the dough))) Take a pan, heat it, pour vegetable oil, also heated in the hot put at 1st. L. test. The pan much heat, and the pancakes will burn and the middle will be raw; if you find that the middle is not cooked, do not worry, put the finished pancakes in the microwave for 2-3 min. and they "reach". Once the dough put 1 tsp of the stuffing -pripek and presses it to the test, so it does not crumbled when we flip pancakes. Flip to other side and fry until beloved state.
I like to have a very rosy, and my husband prefers more pale like mine in the pictures. From such quantity of products turned out 14 pieces of pancake.
Serve with sour cream or just pour oil. Bon appetit!!!
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