
... new year holidays this year are stunning... thanks to the COOK, they lasted for the whole of January... and started in December:)... PILLSBURY United... it helps to find new true friends... he holds us by invisible ties, the strength of which has been repeatedly tested, BUT the power of FRIENDSHIP overcomes huge distances... we rejoice together... and fight together with difficulties... to my dear FRIENDS and favorite FRIENDS... hurry this tiger aunt Oli (Pachita) soft buns, able to brighten up a cold winter evening.. or to please intoxicating a winter morning..


  • Flour

    1.5 cup

  • Yogurt

    180 g

  • Water

    0.5 cup

  • Sausage

    3 piece

  • Cheese

    50 g

  • Salt

  • Leavening agent

    10 g

  • Chicken egg

    1 piece

  • Spices


egg, mineral water, yogurt, salt and baking powder and mix well with a whisk
add flour
the sliced sausages
grated on a fine grater cheese and spices, all mix well
in the pan pour vegetable oil and fry our pancakes until Golden brown
they come out very delicate and airy... until I fried the first cuppy cake..cooled a bit and immediately eaten my honey :) nice You guys!!! :)
with love to YOU, Yours Dasha
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