
Bread pancakes with cheese
Delicate pancakes for lovers of cheese and tasty way of recycling already stale bread. The idea of "Grocery store" with my changes. Quick and tasty!!!!


  • Bread

    400 g

  • Cucumber

    1 piece

  • Garlic

    1 tooth

  • Cheese

    150 g

  • Chicken egg

    3 piece

  • Oregano

    1 Tbsp

  • Semolina

    3 Tbsp


Prepare the bread, a cucumber, a clove of garlic and cheese.
Cheese and cucumber RUB on a grater, garlic passed through the masher, whisk eggs lightly.
Bread soaked in cold water for 5 minutes, then squeeze and put in a bowl. There also add cheese, garlic, eggs, dry ground oregano, semolina and salt-pepper to taste.
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