
Pancakes in Uralsky
It is, in fact, a way of serving pancakes, and not a separate dish. Very simple and tasty. So did my great-grandmother, then grandmother, my mom, now I do. These pancakes are very fond of children and men who, for the most part, sweet tooth. :-) Try and not judge us strictly for simplicity.


  • Pancakes

  • Sour cream

  • Sugar


Bake ordinary pancakes on your favorite recipe. (I usually make the dough into 0.5 l. of kefir or curdled milk, + 2 tbsp. sugar, salt, soda, flour). During baking, dipping the finished pancakes to fill.
Filling: mix sour cream and sugar. I do not specify the fat content of sour cream and sugar - make your choice.
Take a suitable container where we will put our muffins, put a small layer of fill, so much that she nearly closed the bottom. I did my husband at work, so, sorry, posted right in the container. Generally, of course, it is better to take a wide bowl or a saucepan, or baking dish - it will be easier.
Hot pancakes straight from the pan and throw in a Cup of fill.
Bathe him from all sides.
Put hash Browns in a Cup.
Do all the same with the rest of the pancakes, stacking them on top of each other until capacity is filled.
Cover the Cup with something and give stand until cool. I would recommend half baked pancakes to give at once to be eaten :-D, and the second half to do with filling so you can eat them the next day.That's about how pancakes look like after cooling. Sour cream with sugar part is absorbed in the pancakes, the rest as the cream solidifies. It turns out quite tasty.
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