
Morkovka-Apple fritters
Very gentle and healthy pancakes will appeal to kiddies and adults. Without flour. Carrots never felt. Eaten at lightning speed:). I was a child my mother used to make, and then I was preparing their son when he was still a little teeth :) the Recipe is from the magazine "Worker"(80 years)


  • Carrots

    1 piece

  • Apple

    1 piece

  • Chicken egg

    1 piece

  • Semolina

    2 Tbsp

  • Sugar

    2 tsp

  • Yogurt

    2 Tbsp

  • Salt

  • Soda

  • Prunes

    50 g


three carrots on a fine grater
add to the yogurt, semolina, sugar, egg, salt and soda.stir, it turns out porridge-Malasha :) leave it for 20-30min.
grate the Apple on a coarse grater and add it, stir again. if there are prunes, then its there
fry in sunflower oil until Golden brown. spread a teaspoon. pancakes are very tender, if they are large it does not work to turn it. serve with sour cream or jam. BON APPETIT!
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