
Pancakes with rice and onions
Pancakes are very tender, hearty, with a pleasant taste of onions and rice!!! No flour! Only rice, onion, egg and semolina. Semolina makes the dough soft and airy. Pancakes just melt in your mouth! I hope that this recipe will come in handy scullion smiling aiden (Yulenka)! Well, everyone who loves savoury muffins. And also: vegetarians, pregnant women, who "sits& quot; on a diet... She tried one muffin, well, very tasty. Baked for the arrival of her husband from work, of course there is not one.


  • Figure

    0.5 cup

  • Onion

    2 piece

  • Chicken egg

    1 piece

  • Semolina

    1 cup

  • Vegetable oil

  • Salt


Take half a Cup of round rice, boil until the state of the oatmeal in salted water.
Onions finely chop. Much can't grind so how will it along with the rice to turn into porridge immersion blender.
Cooked rice cools, add the onions and using a blender grind until smooth.
Enter one egg, a Cup of semolina, stir and leave at least half an hour for the swelling "test". The dough should be slightly thickish.
Fry our pancakes, gently turning over to the other side! A total of 10 lush pancakes. Like these:
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