Friends, before there is progress! You are offered mayonnaise! Sweet, delicious and unusual! Perfect for both it's great!
1 piece
2 piece
1 tsp
220 ml
0.5 tsp
0.5 tsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Products (chilled)
Bake apples in the oven until cooked, remove skins
Put into blender (I show in a regular Cup), add salt and honey
Then add in the bowl of a blender with a raw egg yolk and one hard-boiled yolk.
Add the mustard and vegetable oil, beat everything in a blender. An important part in beating any kind of mayonnaise — not to do translational movements of the blender first. The egg will begin to vzbivayte under the knife, the process of emulsification will start to manifest itself in thick drops. Then gradually raise the knife of the blender and whisk in the mayonnaise to a thick state. At first mayonnaise sauce might be too thick, however, after cooling in the refrigerator, it will change the consistency. Although I get thick (sometimes whipped a normal immersion blender)
Then add in mayonnaise, lemon juice and black pepper to taste and stir again
Mayonnaise is ready. Store this applesauce in a glass container in the refrigerator. Well Apple mayonnaise with vegetables, meat and fish dishes.
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