
The most delicious pancakes with poppy seeds
No matter how many recipes for pancakes and crepes, but agree that each family has its own favorite and trusted recipe that I have for you a lush, delicious pancakes with poppy seeds.


  • Yeast

    1 tsp

  • Flour

    200 g

  • Mac

    1 Tbsp

  • Yogurt

    100 ml

  • Water

    100 ml

  • Sugar

    2 Tbsp

  • Salt

  • Vegetable oil

  • Lemon

    1 piece


Prepare all the ingredients for pancakes
Mac, is very desirable, grind in a mortar.
In a Cup pour the yogurt and add clean water, stir. Heat in the microwave for 10-15 seconds to slightly warm the mixture, but not hot.
Add the pounded poppy.
Grate the zest from the lemon together with the sugar and salt and add to yogurt-poppy seed mixture, mix everything.
Sift the flour and to it add dry yeast SAF-moment, stir with a whisk.
In kefir mixture gradually pour the flour with the yeast and a wooden spoon knead the dough well. Cup cover with cling film and a towel, put in warm place to rise.
Approximately after 30-40 minutes the dough should rise, to increase in 2-3 times. After the first rise punch down the dough and again place in a warm place for proofing. When the dough has risen a second time, not to press down. With a spoon dipped in water, to podzabyvat the dough from one end and put on a very well heated pan with vegetable oil. The dough should leave the spoon, he needs to move out another spoonful.
Pancakes are baked very quickly, literally the moment the other lush fritters is ready. Bake pancakes on both sides.
Ready pancakes spread on paper towel to get rid of excess fat.
Then begins the delicious history of the hot lush pancakes to spice up your favorite sauce, sour cream, honey, jam and... eat and forget everything.
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