When time is short, and I want to cook the cakes for their beloved men, who do not eat non-Lenten food, I recommend to make such cakes. Men you kiss.
350 g
200 g
150 g
200 g
300 g
300 g
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
The beer add a pinch of salt and knead the dough. Don't worry, that post is not beer. During heat treatment the alcohol will evaporate, and the dough will be elastic for rolling out and crispy after frying. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge to "rest"until then, until you make the filling.
Put to boil the rice. Onions and mushrooms finely chop. First fry onion until transparent, then add mushrooms. Salt and pepper to taste, fry until cooked. Add boiled rice. Mix well. All the stuffing is ready.
To get the dough out of the freezer, divide it into pieces and roll into balls the size of a small egg.
Roll out each ball thinly. On one half put the filling, the other half to cover. To cut smoothly with a knife, and using firm pressure with your fingers the edges, stung pie.
Pour into the pan vegetable oil, heat it to the "white haze", then reduce the heat and fry the patties on both sides.
So continue until, until you fry all the patties. If you have the dough, then the next time I will show you how to prepare delicious and simple cakes to the tea party.
I forgot to say. Fig need to take "Kuban" from the Mistral
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