
Rice cream Semifreddo (inspired)
Prepared Semifreddo second time, troublesome of course, but the result was again surprised. The idea to use rice in a dessert-ice cream saw on the food channel. A slight rustling of chocolate and delicate Foundation with a creamy rice - great dessert with berries, which can be replaced in the summer heat a full meal! Help yourself!


  • Figure

    120 g

  • Chocolate milk

    100 g

  • Biscuit

    200 g

  • Yolk egg

    2 piece

  • Powdered sugar

    80 g

  • Vanilla sugar

    1 Tbsp

  • Egg white

    80 g

  • Sugar

    180 g

  • Water

    40 ml

  • Lemon juice

    0.25 tsp

  • Cream

    200 ml

  • Cream cheese

    100 g

  • Milk

    500 ml

  • Strawberry

    10 piece

  • Salt

  • Thickener for cream

    1 pack


Inside the dessert is the basis of chocolate disks, between which is a filling of creamy rice. Love to use 10 times the pencil form (I have a ring with a diameter of 10 cm) on the baking paper. Melt the chocolate in a water bath (as soon as the chocolate is melt about half - turn off the fire). Gently with a silicone spatula (I prefer) put the chocolate on the paper evenly with a thin layer (5 sheets), on top of it is each sheet of paper, lay the workpiece on a flat cutting Board, top cover the second Board (so the disks were smooth), and put it in the refrigerator until complete solidification of the chocolate.
For the base of the dessert, use white short-grain rice, "Italica" from the Mistral. Mix milk with cream, add 30 g of sugar, heat to just before boiling add the rice, cook over low heat until tender. You can bring rice to the boil, cook for 3-5 minutes, turn off, leave for 10-15 minutes, then again bring to a boil, cook for 3-5 minutes, turn off and so until tender. The rice should be thick, use for the dessert 120-130 grams thick chilled rice, the rest of you can eat!
To prepare protein custard sugar combine with hot water, stir until the sugar is dissolved, put on low fire until boiling and evaporation of liquid samples on to a soft ball (a tea spoon to take the sugar syrup and put it in cold water on a saucer. The syrup is grasped and it is possible to roll a ball. While the syrup is cooking, take chilled whites and beat until soft peak. Ready hot syrup, immediately pour a thin stream in sbivautsa proteins, to continue the process of beating until almost completely cooled proteins. The finished cream cover with cling film and put in the fridge. To prepare the yolk mass in a small saucepan mix sugar powder (preferably) or finely ground sugar, add vanilla sugar, mix, put in a water bath, or gently cook in a saucepan with a thick bottom, to not only brew the yolks! Grind sugar with egg yolks into foam to increase in volume, thick and obtain relief strips! Time - on water bath for about 25 minutes, in a saucepan - about 10-15 minutes, then immediately shift the prepared mixture into another bowl to stop the brewing process the yolks!
Connect half of the yolk mass with milk rice, add half protein custard, stir until smooth.
In the form, which will collect based dessert, sides laid a thick file, the bottom outside dim 2 layers of cling film and secured on the sides of the form with sticky tape ("Scotch"), I put the ring on a cutting Board. Alternately, gently remove the paper from the chocolate discs, put it on the bottom of the form, lay out the rice-cream based, then a chocolate disk - creamy, and so forth, top and bottom must be the disks. Send in the freezer at least 12 hours to freeze!
Whip chilled at least one day in the refrigerator the cream with the thickener for the cream, add cream cheese, whisk, add the remaining yolk to whisk, then the rest of the protein custard (if during storage in the refrigerator at the bottom of the form gathered the fluid to drain it!), mix well.
Split shape with a diameter of 20-22 cm to lay on the sides of the thick file, the bottom wrap 2 layers of cling film. At the bottom lay a thin (1-2 cm) sponge cake (I had biscuit crumbs that I put on the bottom and mixed with 2 spoons of cream, stamped). Put a thin layer (cheese and cream) cream, in the center put a frozen base, sides and top generously filled with cream, sent in the freezer for a day to FULLY freeze. Freed from form, decorated randomly with berries. Cut with a knife, previously holding it in the boiling water!
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