This recipe was published in the diary almost two years ago. At the request of the cook placed here, to be able to keep it in KK. After tested this recipe, in the other not even encroach )) cheesecakes out of the air, melting in your mouth. And very quickly prepared! This recipe is still very good because you can safely experiment with the amount of ingredients. Every time I cook, changing the aspect ratio, they always turn out good: added less eggs, butter, sour cream, sugar, semolina for the recipe. Density and lightness depend on the cream: the less cream, the denser they get.
200 g
3 Tbsp
5 Tbsp
3 Tbsp
2 piece
2 Tbsp
1 tsp
1 pack
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
I usually make a double batch, because even she flies away instantly )) First, mix the cottage cheese with sugar, vanilla and eggs.
Then add butter, semolina, baking powder and sour cream. Mix thoroughly until smooth.
Spread the batter in the molds and put in a preheated 180-200*C oven for 20-30 minutes.
Syrnichki cool, carefully remove from the molds
Ну ооочень вкусный рецепт!
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